Moving To Sweden But Staying Me

Wednesday 3 November 2010


Hey everyone,

Sorry i have not blogged for nearly a month!! But i have been really busy!! Thought that finishing school at 2.30 would mean that i had more time but i am sure that it doesn't. We got the week off school this week but you are all at school as you got last week off!!! Could we not have the same half term so that i could speak to you all!!
We have nearly finished unpacking everything!!! Just the kitchen and living room stuff left. My room is all done!!! YYYEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! It all looks a bit squashed because me and Lucie have gone from a big room to a little room to share. But it all just fits!!!

The days are going so fast!! It still feels like we are just here on holiday!! Cant wait to come back in December. Really looking forward to seeing everyone again. Only 2 girls speak English in the international class, 1 in my year and 1 in Emily's but we both get on with the one in mine better.

Missing you all,
Speak to you soon,
Love ya all,
From Allie :-)